
Freezing night on Roys peak



5/8/20232 min read

We have been in Zealand for over half a year and finally someone came to visit us. Ivet and Ondra took a vacation for a month and came to see the local beauties. After they have been through part of the northern island, they flew south to see us. We met in Queenstown at McDonalds and started our trip together with a "healthy" late lunch. Since it wasn't very nice and it was raining, we just made a quick visit at the shopping center and groceries and moved to Wanaka to campsite. We cooked a dinner together, and before we all went to bed, we discussed all sorts of news from the homeland.

In the morning it was still cloudy, so we went to explore the town, had lunch together, finished it with excellent Patagonia ice cream and with the discussion of trying to catch the sunset at the top of Roys Peak, we set off. But we packed for too long and the west got away from us. We arrived at the top almost in the dark and pitched our tents with headlamps. In addition, snowflakes started falling around us and it got brutally cold. Luckily we all had warm sleeping bags, otherwise it would have been a very long night.

We set our alarm for half an hour before sunrise because we planned to climb to the very top and enjoy it. However, we got an early wake-up call from the tourists who hiked up with more than an hour to spare and woke us up by shouting "Look at that, someone is sleeping here!!" We honestly didn't want to get out of our sleeping bags in the morning because everything was covered in hoar frost and the wind was blowing cold.

Hell, autumn is already calling for a word. Even the expected azure didn't last long and a cloud formed at the top and completely covered the view down to the city and the lakes. From the top, we descended again a little lower to the tents, where the view was a little better and we enjoyed breakfast warming ourselves in the rising sun.

After the descent, we made pancakes for lunch together by the lake, went to see the iconic Wanaka tree - a tree growing in the lake, and Ondra and Ivet then continued on their route. But we didn't say goodbye for long. Honza and I are going to the West Coast, and since we are slower, we will catch up somewhere near the Franz Josef glacier and take another trip there together.